VISION: Empowering families to become proactive caregivers ready to meet the needs of aging relatives to ensure a safe, socially engaging and inclusive old age
MISSION: Help families develop skills and the confidence to step in as caregivers in order to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of aging relatives
I have a PhD in Social Work with specialization in Gerontology. I have for many years examined domains of community life that are important for optimal quality of life of older adults.
I have worked in the field of gerontology for the last 15 years. This includes psychosocial assessments of older adults in inpatient settings; helping older adults in the community set up peer led support groups; and conducting research at an Area Agency on Aging where I learned about the resources and services critical for homebound elders.
As part of my PhD in Social Work, I gained academic expertise in the aging experience, including the physical, emotional and cognitive changes that occur in old age, in the context of today's economic and social environment.
All of this has given me an in-depth knowledge of the constraints on the family when the older adult starts to require assistance in order to stay safely in their own home.
Since coming to America in 1995, I have gained the appreciation of the value of older adults in our communities. Sadly, too often older adults, as they age, become increasingly invisible and isolated. This is tragic, and we as children of our aging parents have a moral responsibility to ensure that we maximize the quality of their lives giving them a meaningful and safe environment to grow old in.
Norstrand_CV_2024 (pdf)
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